About Us
Sobre Nosotros
A message from the LRJC Board
As immigrants from Latin America and US citizens, we know Latino immigrants' contributions to the United States' civil society, culture, and economy. We are also conscious of the challenges Latino immigrants face in the country, especially the combination of racism (the discrimination of people of color) with xenophobia (anti-immigrant sentiment). Racialized nativism is at the root of unfair policies and discriminatory behaviors.
With the ideals of the United States and social justice in mind, we hope to bring together people who seek to create "a more perfect union." The LRJC does this by empowering Latino youth with scholarships, facilitating Latino families' access to immigration counsel, fostering cross-cultural relations through dialogues, and advocating for immigration reform based on human rights. Over the years, the LRJC has grown in membership, programs, and activities. We hope you will engage with us as a member, donor, or participant in one of our programs and events.
All are welcome!